Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Charlie

Charlie's first birthday was January 28th. I can't beleive that he is 1 year old, this year has flown by. It is amazing how he can go from a tiny infant who has to have everything done for them to very independent toddler. We had a great time and thank God every day for our greatest gift ever. I went a little crazy posting pics of the family party.

Matt did not really love that hat. He said one day he was going to kill me for making him wear that. Maybe we can put it on his head on his 18th too. Gotta love the family photo where everyone is looking in a different direction.
He was like "what is that shiny thing"

Everytime you break out the camera, this is what Charlie does. You say smile and you get a wide open mouth.

UMMM is it Christmas again????

love that smile.

Look out ladies here I come in my new car.


The Ueltschey's said...

So cute Emily! His smile is cracking me up...the party looks like it was a lot of fun!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLIE!!!

Caroline said...

What is that thing on his head?

The Benjamins said...

He is too precious! I love his smile! I can't believe he is already one! Gosh, they grow too fast!

The Segrest Family said...

HOW on earth am i just now seeing this post?!?!??!?! i have to call you back in a bit. we play some SERIOUS phone tag. i mean really.

love all of these pictures and that wide open mouth!!!! hey, im coming to vegas the weeekend of the 28th... will you be there?!?!?!?!

theelliottfamily said...

Those pictures are hilarious. The "mouth" picture are a riot and the hat...well, you keep it until he is 18 and see how he responds. Those are adorable!
Tell Beth I can hear her yapping it up in the video...no surprise:)

The Quinns said...

Is he the happiest child ever or what??? He is so precious and I hope for your sake he is as sweet as he looks like he is-- i could eat those cheeks up!