Well, it is almost over. I took my final exam in nursing school yesterday and I passed the class. WOO HOO!!! When I first started school I told some of my classmates that all I wanted was for my picture to be on the wall. I said it in a joking manner, but really was more serious than they thought. Well here it is, my composite picture and guess what, it is going to hang on the walls of the MUW nursing school. I can't believe that school is almost over, I can honestly say I don't know if I would go through this again. (Those of you who have been through this understand). The first day of school when I started, a girl who was a year ahead of me told us that if we did not have a higher power then we needed to find one. That was so true, because I don't know if I could have made it through it without God and all of my friends and families prayers. Thanks everyone for your prayers, he definitely heard them.
Hi Emily,
This is Brooke--Warren's wife. I've been keeping up with you and Matt for a while and haven't commented yet. Glad my first one is going to be CONGRATULATING you on finishing nursing school! WOO HOO! We definitely know what all you've been through and how proud you (and Matt and your families) must be for you. I was bursting with pride the day Warren graduated from nursing school; a day we'll both never forget. From what I hear, you already have the makings of a fantastic nurse! Congratulations again!!!
--Brooke Manning
PS We all should get together sometime--that is if you & Matt can stand being around us AND our three wild children!!!! :)
YAY!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! you are my smartest friend with the most degrees =)
i love you and i m so proud of you!
hip hip hooray!!! i am so proud of you......there is NO WAY i could have done what you have....
Okay, I am going to try this again b/c the last comment got published before I finshed!!
Hooray for you! We have been praying you along and we are so excited for you! The boys are thrilled that "Mrs. Emby" is finished studying so much and will be able to play again. I am thrilled too because now we can call "Nurse Emby" and not take as many trips to the doctor's office and ER. HaHa! Boys will be boys!
Congratulations, Nurse Emily!
congrats! i feel your pain. i have another year and a half left to get my master's and it is rough!
you'll be a great nurse!
Hey, Emily! This is Ashley Ivy Benjamin. Congrats! I know you are excited to see light at the end of the tunnel. Mom said she saw you at prom. I wish I could have come. I have a new blog...it is www.johnandashleybenjamin.blogspot.com. I am going to try and keep it updated, especially once the baby gets here. Hope to see you soon (probably graduation...I can't believe they are graduating...so sad!)
yay emily!!! i knew you could do it! congrats! now go out and celebrate:)
also, i forgot to thank you profusely for helping me out of church a few weeks ago when i was husband-less....soooo, thank you thank you thank you. glad i got to see you!!
way to go emily!!!
Yea Yea Yea!! I know that feeling all too well...and I am so excited for you that it is over! Eat some ice cream and get a pedicure!!
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